Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Denver

Owner Jason Stone with UFC Fighter Alex Hernandez
The first hyperbaric facilities open in Denver.
Over 14,00 hours of hyperbaric sessions.
Most experienced and knowledgable staff.
Used by the leading Denver plastic surgeons.
Open since 2014.
What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy located at Icelandic Fitness in Denver, CO is a safe, effective method of delivering oxygen to the body at a cellular level. It is in the combination of Pressure and Oxygen combined together that allows the body to begin to heal on its own. Increasing pressure has beneficial effects on the body, including oxygenating the cells, reducing swelling and inflammation, improving blood flow and circulation.
We use Hyperbaric treatment at Icelandic Fitness as a way for our athletes and patients to quickly recover from soreness or fatigue for increased sports performance.
“Hyperbaric Therapy creates a surplus of oxygen inside your body and allows your body to do what it already knows how to do all by itself, HEAL!”
Dr. Jason Sonners, DC, CHP, DIBAK
How does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy help?
Most illnesses are caused by microbial organisms. Our cells are toxic due to the high levels of environmental pollutants and the preservatives in our foods. When cells become congested with toxins, they don’t allow for sufficient oxygen to enter the cell, and the cell becomes predisposed to disease. HBOT increases the strength of the cell and forces oxygen into the cell to aid in the detoxifying process. Our cells love and need oxygen to thrive! The good news is that bacteria, fungi, microbes, and viruses cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment!
The idea for HBOT and athletic performance was originally developed through scuba diving when divers reported feeling refreshed and invigorated, even after surfacing. Some even noted that their joint stiffness disappeared and that their focus became very sharp. Today, medical studies on the healing properties of HBOT have triggered this therapy’s growth beyond the diving world. HBOT has been proven beneficial for not only athletic performance, but also a wide range of diseases. These include: stroke, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. It also can help individuals recovering from any type of surgery (plastic, reconstructive) as it facilitates wound healing.
Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Increase of oxygen to tissues 25 times normal levels
Stimulates production of body stem cells
Boosts immune function and increases ability to fight infection
Decreases swelling and inflammation
Post Covid Long Hauler Recovery
Promotes regeneration of injured tissues
TBI Injuries
Reduces fatigue from chronic inadequate oxygen supply to cells and tissues
Reduces jet lag related fatigue
Decreases ligament healing time
Successfully treats traumatic and ischemic brain injuries, like strokes
Increases Energy
Decrease in stress, anxiety, and depression
Concussions and Brain Injuries